07 888 8726 [email protected]


If you have previously worn contact lenses without success or if you haven’t tried contact lenses before, now is a good time. The latest advances in technology means that there is a contact lens suitable for almost every person requiring a correction.

Modern contact lens materials, including silicone hydrogel lenses, have improved surface wetability, oxygen permeability, and resistance to surface depositing.  In fact, silicone hydrogel lenses enable up to five times more oxygen to reach the cornea compared to older lense materials, which results in better eye health.

There are also many new advanced contact lens cleaning solutions available, which provide much more thorough cleaning of the lenses for better vision and less irritation and infections.

Disposable contact lenses come in a wide range of replacement frequencies including daily, fortnightly and monthly.

Contact lens insertion and removal

For information on how to insert/remove soft contact lenses, please click here.

Contact lens care

At Matamata Vision Care we carry a range of contact lens solutions for both soft and rigid contact lenses.

We also stock many artificial tear drops to help improve the comfort of your lenses and relieve dry eye symptoms.

Our optometrists are happy to recommend the drops that would best suit your needs.

Daily disposable contacts

For both full-time wearers who want the most convenient and healthy contact lens option and part time wearers, daily disposable contact lenses are often the best option.  These include daily disposable progressive and astigmatism correcting contact lenses.  This means that you don’t have to bother with the inconvenience of cleaning the lenses, with a new, fresh pair of contacts every time you wear them.  This type of lens is also particularly good for people who suffer from allergies.

Myopia control contact lenses

There is now a daily disposable contact lens available to help control the progression of myopia or short-sightedness.  This is particularly helpful for children and young adults who have rapidly developing myopia.   For more information about how this lens works please see our myopia control page.


Orthokeratology  or Ortho-K is a non-surgical reversible treatment that gently and slowly reshapes the front surface of your eye.  The technique uses specially designed contact lenses that are worn whilst you sleep to achieve glasses and contact lens free vision during the daytime.
Ortho-K traditionally has been used to correct low to moderate levels of myopia and low amounts of astigmatism.  In recent years advances in design have allowed us also to treat low levels of Hyperopia and Presbyopia.

Full correction can take up to two weeks, however often a significant amount of the correction can be treated in one overnight wear of contact lenses.

The treatment is fully reversible on cessation of lens wear, and has been proven to reduce the progression of myopia as in myopia control.

Rigid gas permeable contact lenses

Rigid or RGP contact lenses are particularly helpful in correcting the eyesight of people who have high corrections, or distorted cornea due to an injury or surgery.  Poor vision due to corneal conditions such as keratoconus is generally corrected using gas permeable contact lenses.
These lenses trap a layer of tears on the front surface of the eye which neutralises the distortions, and in some cases can give a much crisper vision that can be obtained with glasses or soft contact lenses.

Multifocal contact lenses

After the age of about 45 most people begin to have trouble with focusing on near print.  This is caused by a loss of flexibility of the lens inside the eye, giving a reduced range of focus, and is called presbyopia.

For some people the necessity for reading glasses is a hassle that doesn’t fit in with their lifestyle.
In these cases multifocal contact lenses can provide an improved range of vision.  These lenses incorporate a number of different focusing zones in each lens, allowing us to tailor your vision to your daily tasks. Multifocal lenses are available as both daily disposable and monthly replacement. Early stages of presbyopia can also be corrected using monovision where one eye is set in the distance and the other at near.


Astigmatism is an error in focussing due to an irregular curvature on the front surface of the eye or the lens inside the eye.
There are a number of different contact lens options available to correct astigmatism, including disposable permanent soft and gas permeable contact lenses.
In the past it has been very difficult to fit people who had high amounts of astigmatism with soft contact lenses, however new custom-made soft lenses in modern materials mean a much wider range of prescriptions can now be corrected with soft contacts.

Business Hours

Monday to Friday
8.30am - 5pm (Closed 1pm - 2pm for lunch)

Sorry, closed Saturday and Sunday.


Physical Address: 48 Broadway, Matamata 3400